

Det klare, blå vannet vil hypnotisere enhver som kaster blikket på destinasjonen, som er den eneste i sitt slag. Utmerkete gastronomiske spisesteder og mange kirker og museum, som fremviser en meget rik kultur og en historie som har skapt dette fenomenale stedet. Besøkere vil bli ønsket velkommen av en mengde butikker, fra verdenskjente, eksklusive merker til små, sjarmerende suvenirbutikker. Nyt middelhavsatmotsfæren om dagen og delta i byens livlige natteliv etter en lang dag i sola. I tillegg til utrolig fantastiske golfbaner! Se reiser til Alicante!

Alicante Golfhøydepunkter

Byer i Alicante

Solfylte dager
EUR 1.71
Øl (pint)
EUR 1.43
Taxi 1 km

Ting å gjøre i Alicante

Golf course - Shopping


The perfect spot to fill your wardrobe with new and exciting clothing and accessories. Alicante has everything from designer luxury shops to locally handcrafted goods. The Mercado central market is a must for those looking for the typical Alicante shopping experience. To mention a few streets for shopping enthusiasts: El Barrio, Panoramis, and El Corte Inglés.
Golf course - Events


There are reasons to celebrate and have a good time during many specific periods of the year. The world-famous Cirque du Soleil will be present during the summer, widely regarded as one of the best amusement events in the world. The streets are filled with joyful crowds during numerous events throughout the year such as Hogueras de San Juan, Carnaval, Moros y Cristianos, and Semana Santa & Navidad.
Golf course - Food, drinks & nightlife

Food, drinks & nightlife

Take a break from shopping and experience the fresh food served around every corner of the city. The coffee is exquisite, and the meals come in multiple different forms and tastes. Horchata is the local Alicante drink that every gastronomical enthusiast needs to try during their visit. You’ll find everything from small local restaurants to Michelin star locations.